Thursday, May 12, 2011


The Arab Spring continues to expose the hypocrisy of the world and in particular, the United Nations.

Hundreds dead in Syria as Assad's tanks fire directly at protesters yet we hear nothing of a Goldstone Commission clone (let alone of a flotilla to rescue the victims of his oppressive regime). Syria's bid for a seat might have stalled but only because of a possible deal with Kuwait to switch places on the waiting list.

Gaddafi's still alive and kicking and protesters are still being killed and beaten up across the Arab world and just quietly in the Palestinian territories.

But the "bad guy" remains the only true democracy in that part of the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You would have thought the Egyptians have enough of their own problems but no they still have time between burning down Christian Churches to demonstrate against the Jews iN cAIRO.
One young Egyptian teenage demonstrator out side the Israsel emabasy interviewd by BBC said he wanted to destroy Israel, blah blah blah.

I still remember front page photos taken during the 67 war of Egytian soldiers [ probably that dumb kids father] in the desert who had taken off their army boots so they could run faster in the desert from the israelies.

I hope USA stop giving the bastards the US $1.8 Billion each year they have been receiving ever since they signed the { fake ] peace treaty with Israel.
